Holistic Dentistry Cary
Although traditional dentistry has good intentions to promote oral health through preventative and restorative care, the overall approach to doing so may be lacking. Over the years, certain dentists have developed a broader concept, leading to the emergence of holistic dentistry. Also called biological dentistry or biocompatible dentistry, the approach is all-inclusive. Rather than focusing our methods on the treatment of specific concerns only, our practice maintains the principles of holistic dentistry, which include:
- Treat the patient as a whole, considering the mind, body and spirit in all aspects of dentistry.
- Avoidance of and the safe removal of harmful toxic materials such as mercury fillings and other metals.
- Working towards preventing bite problems (malocclusion), and treating them when they are present.
- Consideration of the biological foundation of tooth decay and gum disease in determining a treatment plan.
As an experienced and committed holistic dentist, Dr. McMillan considers not only how oral conditions affect the body, but he also considers the possible effects any given treatment may have on a patient’s health. While cavities do require fillings, we do not use materials (such as metals and mercury) that have been deemed hazardous to accomplish restorative measures. Further, Dr. McMillan has been trained to perform the safe removal of mercury fillings, ensuring that patients are not unduly exposed during this procedure.
In our practice, we offer patients a referral for biocompatibility testing as one way to provide the best possible care to each patient. For a material to be considered biocompatible means that it is well tolerated by the body, that is does not harm the body or produce unwanted side effects, as in the case of amalgam fillings, which contain mercury.
Holistic approach for preventive dental care - Dr. Carl Mcmillan
We encourage preventative dentistry inclusive of traditional home care brushing flossing, rinsing if you want but not necessary to help in general and then regular routine check-ups.
Holistically I do not believe that every individual needs to come in every six months. I actually believe that some individuals need to come every 2, 3, or 4 months versus every 6 months.
Some people there are a few probably 10% of my patients that really don’t need to come in more than once a year because they are healthy, and their home care is excellent. They don’t have any problem and never have.
The information that we provide or share with patients is more centered around an individual holistic approach plus a holistic approach to their health.
Holistic Dental Centers offers a range of general and cosmetic options to keep you well and smiling. Call today for a consultation, and learn more about the benefits of whole body dentistry.
What makes us different from a traditional dental practice is our commitment to biocompatibility . We recommend and recognize biocompatibility testing for the most suitable materials and also take the time to explain which materials may be most appropriate for you and why. Every material that is used in dental restorations lives in the mouth, usually for several decades. As such, it is important that these materials do not harm the body in any way. To accommodate each patient’s needs, we incorporate several different materials for use in filling cavities or creating dental crowns, bridges, or other restorations.
To experience the difference that comes from holistic dentistry, contact us for your consultation today.
You Put What In My Mouth
“I Swear to tell the truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, So Help Me God”
Is mercury toxic? Elemental Mercury is toxic. Silver amalgam fillings, does it contain mercury? It does, almost up to 50%? Yes, mercury is a toxic substance.
A lot of us have dental amalgam that contains Mercury, anywhere from 4 to 19 micrograms of Mercury per day can leach out of your amalgams into your body.
A single filling delivers micrograms of mercury which in Mercury terms is a lot. Mercury is vaporizing from their amalgams and you have 80 percent absorption through the lungs. This is a fairly dangerous scenario.
When dentists go to dental school, they are taught that mixed dental amalgam is completely inert. They taught us nothing about protecting the staff from the dangers of Mercury Vapour. The amount of Mercury vapour that’s released from amalgam restorations is so minute. So, when the dentist goes out to grind out an amalgam fillings, he is creating tremendous quantities of mercury particulate. their dental drill runs at about 400 000 rpm and it sends a shower of micron size and submicron size particles everywhere. it’s tens of thousands of parts per million. I’ve never seen levels of mercury this high. that’s pretty much unheard of in any type of work environment. when a woman is pregnant, we hope that she’s never exposed to mercury vapor because we know that it can pass the placenta and cause neurological problems in the unborn baby. everyone working around hazardous chemicals and other toxic substances has a right to know of possible dangers and how to protect themselves. when patients see us dress like this there’s no way they could believe mercury is safe in their mouths. if you’re exposed to mercury, we start seeing much more serious health effects and these health effects would be chronic fatigue double vision couldn’t sleep depression panic attacks memory loss a lowered immune system loss of vision chronic headaches is both an immediate problem in some individuals and a very long-term problem in others i started having neurological symptoms i didn’t feel like a human being in the deepest part of myself i thought i was dying people think you’re crazy and, and, you’re not crazy, you have mercury poisoning. they’ll evacuate a public building for a broken thermometer but each one of your amalgam fillings has about the same amount of mercury. two schools will be closed tomorrow after a custodian finds a small amount of mercury on the floor of a room at Hickman Mills High School. how much mercury are we talking about not very much about the amount the size of the eraser on this pencil but school officials explained to us it would only take the amount of mercury about the size of the sharpened end of this pencil to contaminate the entire building. the toxin that can do the effect you have it placed within inches of your brain. they’ve never done any safety studies on this product. why is it that the ADA will not tell the public that mercury amalgam is harmful? frankly the American dental association welcomes new looks at all of the demo restorative materials. the American people are being overtly lied to by the American dental association and the dental branch of the food and drug administration