Dr. Carl McMillan of the Raleigh area is a holistic dentist who provide comprehensive, quality care that can enhance the smile and improve overall oral health and wellness. Additionally, holistic dental care keeps in mind the benefits each treatment provides to the body.
At the practice of Cary and Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers, our team encourages patients to take into consideration the advantages that can be achieved with visiting a holistic dentist. Many holistic dentists will avoid specific procedures or treatments because of the negative impact they can have on the smile and body. These may include the following services:
Fluoride is a known poison and can negatively affect the body. However, while it may reduce the likelihood of cavity development, it can result in thyroid function destruction among other conditions.
Mercury is a toxic element that is commonly used in silver amalgam fillings, the types of metal fillings many patients already have in their mouths. This toxic element is known for slowly poisoning the human body and can affect every organ. It can cause long-term damage to the central nervous system and it should be avoided.
Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is a procedure that removes the tissue within a tooth and replaces it with gutta percha, a rubberlike material. The tooth is then sealed up. However, root canal therapy often leaves bacteria inside the tooth that can cause harm later on.
Brightening the smile doesn’t have to be dangerous or result in extensive sensitivity, which is why our practice avoids these “power bleaching” treatments. We provide take-home whitening kits that provide amazing results and the ability to maintain them long-term.
Our practice avoids the use of metal and considers alternative solutions such as porcelain, zirconium, and composite resin bonding that are more appropriate for the body as a whole.
At Cary and Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers, we encourage individuals to take the time to educate themselves further on the advantages of holistic dental care.