Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dentistry that allows patients the opportunity to create the smile of their dreams. Dr. Carl McMillan of Holistic Dental Centers in the Charlotte, NC area encourage patients to take the time to learn about all that can be done to enhance the natural smile. Many patients are turned off by the idea that cosmetic treatments may be expensive but are excited to learn how affordable they can be.
Cosmetic dentistry is dedicated to ensuring that everything done to the smile is done with aesthetics in mind. This prohibits the use of silver amalgam fillings, which have been used for decades by dentists filling areas of tooth decay. This is not the only reason many dentists avoid the use of silver amalgam fillings.
Silver amalgam fillings are a blend of metals that are used to address areas of decay. However, they are fabricated from approximately 50 percent mercury. Mercury is a toxic substance. It releases a vapor that can cause neurological and physical medical issues. Studies have shown that the toxins from mercury can filter through the body, resulting in a source of poison. By avoiding the placement of silver amalgam fillings, patients can improve their overall health and wellness and reduce the risk of a myriad of serious health concerns.
Additionally, silver amalgam fillings have other flaws. For example, silver amalgam fillings expand and contract with temperature changes, which can cause teeth to be at risk for bacteria entering into the tooth and causing infection. Silver amalgam fillings are unsightly and release the toxic vapors when heated, which can happen when patients are chewing their food or enjoying a hot beverage.
Patients are urged to avoid the placement of silver amalgam fillings and, if they are already integrated into their smile, work with a mercury safe dental practice for appropriate removal and replacement. Patients will find that composite resin fillings are more beautiful, safer, and affordable while still being effective in restoring a tooth when decay has occurred.