Imperfections such as stained teeth, misalignment, short teeth, wear and tear, and breakage can negatively affect the way the smile looks. In turn, this can cause patients to feel self-conscious about their appearance and hide their smile. This may be done by smiling less and covering the mouth with the hand when they laugh. However, life doesn’t have to be this way. Patients don’t have to spend every day worrying about how their smile looks when imperfections are noticeable. We recommend patients take the time to book an appointment at Cary or Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers to learn about the advantages of placing porcelain veneers.
Porcelain veneers can be used for patients in and around the area of Raleigh to cover imperfections that may be making them look unattractive or feel lower self-esteem. These restorations are facings that are bonded over the front of teeth to cover problem areas. They are custom-made for individuals to use in achieving a more attractive smile and look just like the existing teeth. Many patients can’t believe how hard it is to tell which teeth are natural enamel and which ones are covered with veneers.
Dr. Carl McMillan of Cary and Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers works closely with patients to help them determine if veneers are right for them. Most patients are appropriate candidates. However, those with bruxism need to speak to their team about the advantages of using oral appliances to protect their teeth from breakage. Bruxism is a condition in which individuals clench and grind their teeth in their sleep. This can damage the natural tooth enamel and restorations in the smile, so they should be protected.
Porcelain veneers can restore the smile in just about a week or two. The process is relatively quick, and patients will be able to enjoy their new look in a short period when compared to other services such as orthodontics.
If you live in or around the area of Raleigh and want to find out how porcelain veneers can change your life, contact Dr. Carl McMillan today. We can make recommendations based on your specific desires and concerns, as well as your budget!