In the past, dental practices were mainly focused on oral issues and not addressing a patients’ overall wellness. Increasingly, more and more dental providers are shifting to holistic dentistry, which may seem a bit out of the norm for a dentist. Holistic dentistry focuses on the total health of patients. At Holistic Dental Centers, our […]
If you have ever considered visiting a holistic dentist, we invite you to call the team at Holistic Dental Centers to learn all about the benefits of this type of dental care. At our office, we focus on the overall wellness of our patients, not just the teeth and gums. We use only safe materials […]
A holistic dentist is a dentist who cares not only about a patient’s smile, but their overall health and wellbeing. Holistic dentists are also known as biologic dentists or mercury-free dentists. These professionals focus on the use of non-toxic, biocompatible materials when addressing infections, improving imperfections, and working to achieve a more beautiful, healthy smile. […]
Dr. Carl McMillan of the Raleigh area is a holistic dentist who provide comprehensive, quality care that can enhance the smile and improve overall oral health and wellness. Additionally, holistic dental care keeps in mind the benefits each treatment provides to the body. At the practice of Cary and Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers, our team […]
The effect that oral health has on overall health is frequently overlooked by many dentists, professional healthcare associations, and a percentage of the public in general. However, ignoring this truth does not make it any less relevant. Equally important; dental work can seriously affect the health of the entire body. At Holistic Dental Centers, with […]
If you are like most people, you are careful as to what you and your family consume. You would never think about eating something that is toxic or could have a negative impact or your health. This is an important element in the philosophy behind holistic dentistry. Just like you would never let your child […]
The materials used in dental restorations have been the topic of conversation among providers and patients for a number of years. Amalgam, in particular, has come under fire, leaving millions of patients wondering about the safety of fillings that have been in their mouth for decades. This thought process usually leads to patients questioning the […]
Traditionally, dentists are concerned primarily with the health of the mouth. If you have a toothache, you go to the dentist. If you notice that your gums bleeding, you visit the dentist. For the most part, this still rings true, although more and more dentists are beginning to focus on the correlation between oral health […]
Dr. Carl McMillan and the team in Cary and Cornelius Holistic Dental Centers works closely with new and existing patients in ensuring they have a healthy, beautiful smile that will ensure better health and wellness of the body. Our practice offers biological dentistry because we believe in quality, comprehensive dental care that doesn’t negatively affect […]